Smileline - General & Cosmetic Dentistry

Can Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures Correct Overbite?

Overbite is a form of teeth alignment issue that occurs when the upper set of the teeth doesn't properly align with the lower set. This often leads to malocclusion. No one should confuse overbites with crooked teeth. Overbites usually indicate the misalignment of jaw and teeth among individuals. In our previous blog, we have explained the 4 importance of cosmetic dentistry in Ramsey. However, it also holds the power to alter your physical appearance and facial structure as you get older.

Why Do Overbites Occur?

Overbites can also occur due to genetics. This is because some individuals are born with a deformed jaw line that doesn't properly align with the upper teeth. Due to overbites, you can possibly develop malocclusion. It can also happen due to teeth grinding and temporomandibular joint dysfunction. One of the major reasons behind the development of overbites is the size and shape of both jaw and teeth. It can also be developed due to thumb sucking and the use of pacifiers among children.

Types of Overbites:

  1. Normal overbites with slight overlaps
  2. A complex and severe form of overbites
  3. Severe underbites

Overbites Can Cause Several Dental Problems Such As:

  1. Intense pain in the jaw
  2. Dental discomfort while eating
  3. Decay of teeth
  4. Severe headaches
  5. Periodontal disease and worn enamel

How Can Overbites Be Treated?

A standard solution provided by cosmetic dentistry in Ramsey is that most general dentists will suggest you to consult a periodontist if you have overbites. Following the cosmetic dentistry procedures properly one can get treated for their overbites.

The Cosmetic Dental Procedures To Correct Overbites Include:

  1. Cosmetic dental braces
  2. Dental retainers
  3. Cosmetic dental surgery
  4. Permanent teeth removal
  5. Creating space for permanent teeth and removing the baby teeth

Can Overbites Be Fixed Without Surgery or Other Dental Procedures?

Many patients desire to aesthetically fix their overbites within a very short period of time. Cosmetic dental procedures such as dental veneers can provide a quick fix solution to individuals who want to have a straight and whiter smile. Though veneers do not fix the issue as they only conceal the issue. It is advisable to approach a reliable dentist before starting out with cosmetic dental procedures.


If you are looking forward to availing reliable cosmetic or general dentistry solutions or urgent dental care, visit our dentist in Ramsey, Dr. Geeta Choudhary DDS and her team at Smileline General and Cosmetic Dentistry. Dr. Geeta Choudhary DDS has experience and expertise in general dentistry. She has served the community in Ramsey for many years. In order to know more about the service provided by Smileline General and Cosmetic Dentistry, browse through our website. To book a consultation or please contact (201) 497-3990 right away.

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